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Storbritannien redigera

Bourton i England.
  1. Flax Bourton, England, North Somerset, 51°25′16″N 2°42′19″V / 51.42122°N 2.70522°V / 51.42122; -2.70522 (Flax Bourton)
  2. Bourton, Dorset, ort, England, 51°04′28″N 2°19′40″V / 51.07444°N 2.32778°V / 51.07444; -2.32778 (Bourton, Dorset)
  3. Bourton, Vale of White Horse, ort i Oxfordshire, England, 51°35′03″N 1°40′08″V / 51.58425°N 1.66879°V / 51.58425; -1.66879 (Bourton, Vale of White Horse)
  4. Bourton, Cherwell, civil parish i Oxfordshire, England, 52°05′50″N 1°20′04″V / 52.09716°N 1.33454°V / 52.09716; -1.33454 (Bourton, Cherwell)