Philip K. Dicks bibliografi


Philip K. Dick skrev 46 romaner och 121 noveller, några har publicerats postumt efter 1982. Under sin livstid publicerade Dick 34 romaner och majoriteten av hans noveller publicerades i science fiction-tidskrifter under 1952-53.
Förutom sina skönlitterära texter så har Dick också skrivit filosofiska texter och texter om sitt författarskap, en del av dessa finns utgivna i The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings (1995).
I februari och mars 1974 fick Dick en mängd religiösa syner och upplevelser, som han sedan tillbringade mycket tid med att dokumentera och analysera. Totalt ryktas att samlingen med texter, som Dick kallade Exegesis, uppgå till över 8000 sidor.[1] Ett urval av dessa kommer att publiceras under hösten 2011.

Romaner efter utgivningsår

År Titel Svensk översättning Övrigt
1955 Solar Lottery Lotteriet (1991)
1956 The World Jones Made
1956 The Man Who Japed
1957 The Cosmic Puppets
1957 Eye in the Sky
1960 Dr. Futurity
1959 Time Out of Joint Ur led är tiden (1990)
1960 Vulcan's Hammer Datorkriget (1972)
1962 The Man in the High Castle Mannen i det höga slottet (1979) Vinnare av The Hugo Award
1963 The Game-Players of Titan
1964 The Penultimate Truth Näst sista sanningen (2018)
1964 The Simulacra
1964 Martian Time-Slip Tidsskredet (1979)
1964 Clans of the Alphane Moon
1965 Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb
1965 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Marsiansk mardröm (1984) / Palmer Eldritchs tre stigman
1967 The Ganymede Takeover Tillsammans med Ray F. Nelson
1966 Now Wait for Last Year
1966 The Crack in Space
1967 The Zap Gun
1967 Counter-Clock World Baklängesklockans värld (1989) / Motursvärlden
1968 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Androidens drömmar (1974) / Blade Runner Filmatiserad som Blade Runner
1969 Ubik Ubik (1991)
1969 Galactic Pot-Healer Glimmungs värld (1983)
1970 Our Friends From Frolix 8
1970 A Maze of Death Dråparen (1985)
1972 We Can Build You
1974 Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said Flöda min gråt sa polisen (1975) Vinnare av John W. Campbellpriset för bästa science fictionroman.
1975 Confessions of a Crap Artist
1976 Deus Irae Tillsammans med Roger Zelazny
1977 A Scanner Darkly Skannad i dunklet (2015)
1981 The Divine Invasion
1981 VALIS Valis (2017)
1982 The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
1984 Lies, Inc Ursprungligen The Unteleported Man (1964)
1984 The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike
1985 Puttering About in a Small Land
1985 In Milton Lumky Territory
1985 Radio Free Albemuth
1986 Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
1987 Mary and the Giant
1988 The Broken Bubble
1994 Gather Yourselves Together
2007 Voices from the Street
A Time For George Stavros (1956) Manuskript saknas
Pilgrim on the Hill (1956) Manuskript saknas
Nicholas and the Higs (1958) Manuskript saknas
1966 The Unteleported Man (1964) Utgavs även 1984 som Lies, Inc


Nr Film År Regissör Käll-
År Typ TV-
1 Blade Runner 1982 Ridley Scott Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 1968 Roman - -
2 Total Recall 1990 Paul Verhoeven We Can Remember It For You Wholesale 1966 Novell Total Recall 2070 1999
3 Confessions d'un Barjo 1992 Jérôme Boivin Confessions of a Crap Artist 1975 Novell - -
4 Screamers 1995 Christian Duguay Second Variety 1953 Novell - -
5 Minority Report 2002 Steven Spielberg Minority Report 1956 Novell - -
6 Impostor 2002 Gary Fleder Impostor 1953 Novell Episode of Out of This World adapted by Terry Nation 1962
7 Paycheck 2003 John Woo Paycheck 1953 Novell - -
8 A Scanner Darkly 2006 Richard Linklater A Scanner Darkly 1977 Roman - -
9 Next 2007 Lee Tamahori The Golden Man 1954 Novell - -
10 The Adjustment Bureau 2011 George Nolfi Adjustment Team 1954 Novell - -
11 Radio Free Albemuth 2010 John Alan Simon Radio Free Albemuth 1976 Roman

Noveller efter färdigställandedatum[3]

År Titel Svensk översättning Övrigt
1952 Beyond Lies the Wub Dicks första publicering, i Planet Stories
1952 The Gun
1952 The Skull
1952 The Little Movement
1953 The Defenders Försvararna (2017)
1953 Mr. Spaceship
1953 Piper in the Woods
1953 Roog
1953 The Infinites
1953 Second Variety Filmatiserad som Screamers, 1996
1953 The World She Wanted
1953 Colony ”Koloni", i En handfull mörker (1976)
1953 The Cookie Lady
1953 Impostor ”Bedragare”, i En handfull mörker (1976) Filmatiserad som Imposter 2002
1953 Martians Come in Clouds
1953 Paycheck Filmatiserad som Paycheck 2003
1953 The Preserving Machine
1953 The Cosmic Poachers
1953 Expendable ”Umbärlig”, i En handfull mörker (1976)
1953 The Indefatigable Frog ”Den outtröttliga grodan”, i En handfull mörker (1976)
1953 The Commuter
1953 Out in the Garden
1953 The Great C
1953 The King of the Elves
1953 The Trouble with Bubbles
1953 The Variable Man
1953 The Impossible Planet ”Den omöjliga planeten”, i En handfull mörker (1976)
1953 Planet for Transients ”Planet för genomresande”, i En handfull mörker (1976)
1953 Some Kinds of Life
1953 The Builder ”Byggaren”, i En handfull mörker (1976)
1953 The Hanging Stranger
1953 Project: Earth
1953 The Eyes Have It
1953 Tony and the Beetles
1954 Prize Ship
1954 Beyond the Door
1954 The Crystal Crypt
1954 A Present for Pat
1954 The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford
1954 The Golden Man
1954 James P. Crow
1954 Prominent Author
1954 Small Town
1954 Survey Team
1954 Sales Pitch
1954 Time Pawn
1954 Breakfast at Twilight
1954 The Crawlers
1954 Of Withered Apples
1954 Exhibit Piece ”Utställningsföremål”, i En handfull mörker (1976)
1954 Adjustment Team Filmatiserad som The Adjustment Bureau 2011
1954 Shell Game
1954 Meddler
1954 Souvenir
1954 A World of Talent
1954 The Last of the Masters
1954 Progeny
1954 Upon the Dull Earth
1954 The Father-Thing
1954 Strange Eden
1954 Jon's World
1954 The Turning Wheel
1955 Foster, You're Dead
1955 Human Is
1955 War Veteran
1955 Captive Market
1955 Nanny
1955 The Hood Maker
1955 The Chromium Fence
1955 Service Call
1955 A Surface Raid
1955 The Mold of Yancy
1955 Autofac
1955 Psi-Man Heal My Child!
1956 The Minority Report Filmatiserad som Minority Report 2002
1956 To Serve the Master
1956 Pray for the Printer
1956 A Glass of Darkness
1957 The Unreconstructed M
1957 Misadjustment
1958 "Null-O"
1959 Explorers We
1959 Recall Mechanism
1959 Fair Game
1959 War Game
1963 All We Marsmen
1963 Stand-By
1963 What'll We Do with Ragland Park?
1963 The Days of Perky Pat
1963 If There Were No Benny Cemoli
1964 Waterspider
1964 Novelty Act
1964 Oh, to Be a Blobel!
1964 What the Dead Men Say
1964 Orpheus with Clay Feet
1964 Cantata 140
1964 A Game of Unchance
1964 The Little Black Box
1964 Precious Artifact
1964 The Unteleported Man
1965 Retreat Syndrome
1965 Project Plowshare
1966 We Can Remember It for You Wholesale ”Minnen en gros”, i Jules Verne-Magasinet nr 2 1973 Filmatiserad som Total Recall 1990
Nyinspelning med planerad premiär 2012.[4]
1966 Holy Quarrel
1966 Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday
1967 Return Match
1967 Faith of Our Fathers
1968 Not by Its Cover
1968 The Story to End All Stores
1969 The Electric Ant
1969 A. Lincoln, Simulacrum
1974 The Pre-Persons
1974 A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
1979 The Exit Door Leads In
1980 Chains of Air, Web of Aether
1980 Rautavaara's Case
1980 Frozen Journey
1981 The Alien Mind
Strange Memories of Death
Cadbury, The Beaver Who Lacked
The Day Mr. Computer Fell Out of Its Tree
The Eye of the Sibyl
A Terran Odyssey
Goodbye, Vincent

