Olavo Luiz Pimentel de Carvalho, född 29 april 1947 i Campinas, Brasilien, död 24 januari 2022 i Richmond, Virginia, USA, var en brasiliansk konservativ journalist och essäist med esoteriska och konspirativa ideologiska ståndpunkter. Han hade stort inflytande på den brasilianska extremhögern och familjen Bolsonaro.

Olavo de Carvalho
Olavo de Carvalho, 17 mars 2019.
FöddOlavo Luiz Pimentel de Carvalho
29 april 1947[1]
Campinas[1], Brasilien
Död24 januari 2022[2] (74 år)
Richmond[2], USA
Medborgare iBrasilien
SysselsättningEssäist[1], astrolog[3], debattör, litteraturkritiker, journalist[1], föreläsare[1], konspirationsteoretiker
Medalha do Pacificador (1999)[1]
Kommandør av Den nasjonale fortjenstorden (2000)
Medalha do Mérito Santos-Dumont (2001)[1]
Medalha Tiradentes (2011)[1]
Storkors av Rio Branco-orden (2019)[4]
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Som polemiker blev Carvalho kritiserad för att ofta ta till obscena personliga attacker.[5] Hans böcker och artiklar har spridit konspirationsteorier och falsk information,[6][7][8][9][10] och han har anklagats för att främja hatretorik[11] och anti-intellektualism.[12] Han positionerade sig som en kritiker av moderniteten. Hans intressen inkluderade historisk filosofi, historien om revolutionära rörelser, Den Traditionella Skolan[13][14] och jämförande religion.[15] Hans åsikter har avvisats av vissa filosofer.[16][17][18]


  1. ^ [a b c d e f g h] läs online, alerjln1.alerj.rj.gov.br .[källa från Wikidata]
  2. ^ [a b] Olavo de Carvalho morre aos 74 anos nos Estados Unidos (på brasiliansk portugisiska), 25 januari 2022, läs online, läst: 25 januari 2022.[källa från Wikidata]
  3. ^ läs online, logosapologetica.com .[källa från Wikidata]
  4. ^ läs online, odia.ig.com.br .[källa från Wikidata]
  5. ^ Magalhães, Mário (28 November 2018). ”A estranha obsessão de Olavo de Carvalho pelo furico alheio” (på portugisiska). theintercept.com. https://theintercept.com/2018/11/27/a-estranha-obsessao-de-olavo-de-carvalho-pelo-furico-alheio/. 
  6. ^ Antonio, José. ”Corram, os comunistas estão chegando” (på portugisiska). CartaCapital. https://www.cartacapital.com.br/politica/corram-os-comunistas-estao-chegando-8968.html. 
  7. ^ de Carvalho, Olavo (16 February 2014). ”Posts tagged marxismo cultural - Difamação por osmose” (på brasiliansk portugisiska). Olavo de Carvalho - Website Oficial. Diário do Comércio. http://www.olavodecarvalho.org/tag/marxismo-cultural. 
  8. ^ Molyneux, Stefan; de Carvalho, Olavo (26 July 2017). ”Why Cultural Marxism Matters | Olavo de Carvalho and Stefan Molyneux”. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MpDcBo5UOc. 
  9. ^ Carvalho, Olavo (8 June 2002). ”Do marxismo cultural”. O Globo. http://www.olavodecarvalho.org/semana/06082002globo.htm.  Arkiverad 14 maj 2017 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
    Siqueira, Vinicius (24 November 2014). ”O que é marxismo cultural? Uma abordagem à esquerda” (på portugisiska). Colunas Tortas. https://colunastortas.com.br/o-que-e-marxismo-cultural/. 
  10. ^ Jiménez, Carla (23 November 2018). ”"Anti-marxista" indicado por Olavo de Carvalho será ministro da Educação” (på portugisiska). El Pais. https://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2018/11/22/politica/1542910509_576428.html. 
  11. ^ Sponholz, Liriam; Christofoletti, Rogério (23 December 2018). ”From preachers to comedians: Ideal types of hate speakers in Brazil”. Global Media and Communication 15: sid. 67–84. doi:10.1177/1742766518818870. ISSN 1742-7665. ”Olavo de Carvalho represents this kind of hate speaker. Carvalho is an anti-communist writer living in the United States. He catches media attention through his books, texts, videos and audio on the Internet in order to criticize left-wing people, homosexuals and those who he considers to be ‘idiots’”. 
  12. ^ ”Brasil, um país do passado”. DW.com. 28 November 2018. https://www.dw.com/pt-br/brasil-um-pa%C3%ADs-do-passado/a-46477566. 
  13. ^ Fellet, João (15 December 2016). ”Olavo de Carvalho, o 'parteiro' da nova direita que diz ter dado à luz flores e lacraias” (på brasiliansk portugisiska). BBC News Brasil. https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-38282897. 
  14. ^ Teitelbaum, Benjamin R. (21 April 2020). ”20-Deep States” (på engelska). War for Eternity: Inside Bannon's Far-Right Circle of Global Power Brokers. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-297847-9. https://books.google.com/books?id=O1WaDwAAQBAJ. ”I was beginning to understand why a reader of Guénon would become a champion of Bolsonaro. Olavo’s focus on Traditionalism’s opposition to modern science, though seemingly an apolitical subject, may have been more relevant to his analysis of political and social life than I first thought. In writing and in conversation he waxes seamlessly from disagreement with the scientific process to dismissal of modern knowledge to criticism of the institutions whose authority rests obliquely on modernist knowledge. It is in that final step when Traditionalism and populism can come together, when we can draw a line between astrology, alchemy, and the president. Not only are Brazil’s media, education system, and government corrupted by money and self-interests in his mind, but they are purveyors of ignorance, too, because of their blind investment in modern science and its inability to account for, let alone value, spirituality. The only immateriality they will admit is the abstractions of mathematics, which themselves serve to confuse as well, Olavo contends. Like Bannon, Olavo finds a trace of solace among the poor and uneducated, those most distanced from institutionalized education and knowledge production. In Brazil as in the United States, they are the keepers of spirit, those who have achieved a measure of community and context otherwise elusive in modernity. They are neither mathematical abstractions nor the bearers of hollow titles granted by hollow modern institutions. They are reality. They are the core.” 
  15. ^ PATSCHIKI, Lucas. Anais do V Simpósio Internacional Lutas Sociais na América Latina. Fascismo e internet, uma possibilidade de análise social através das redes extrapartidárias: o caso do "Mídia Sem Máscara" (2011)
  16. ^ ”Olavo de Carvalho está errado e não entendeu Kant, dizem três nomes de destaque da academia brasileira”. O Globo. 10 February 2019. https://oglobo.globo.com/sociedade/olavo-de-carvalho-esta-errado-nao-entendeu-kant-dizem-tres-nomes-de-destaque-da-academia-brasileira-23440419. 
  17. ^ ”Esnobado por intelectuais, Olavo de Carvalho dominou vídeo e redes sociais”. Folha de S.Paulo. 14 December 2018. https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrissima/2018/12/esnobado-por-intelectuais-olavo-de-carvalho-dominou-video-e-redes-sociais.shtml. 
  18. ^ ”Única coisa rigorosa no discurso de Olavo são os palavrões, diz Ruy Fausto” (på portugisiska). Folha de S.Paulo. 30 November 2018. https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrissima/2018/11/unica-coisa-rigorosa-no-discurso-de-olavo-sao-os-palavroes-diz-ruy-fausto.shtml.