Dokumentation [visa] [redigera] [historik] [rensa sidcachen]

Introduction redigera

The Adapt module provides utilities to simplify development and testing of other modules.

Basic concepts redigera

Simulated mode redigera

To allow testing a Lua module together with an operational systems while causing zero or minimal impact on the latter, one or more of the software interfaces may be placed in simulated mode, thereby interacting with alternative data sources or sinks. The alternative functions are provided by the calling module.

For each interface, normal operation is indicated by mode 0 (the default), while a non-zero mode indicates which alternative function is used for simulation. There can be any number of alternative functions available, but only one function may be selected per interface at the same time.

Technical reference redigera

Exported functions redigera

call redigera

def redigera

sim redigera

Code samples redigera

See also redigera

License redigera

-- The Adapt module (adaptation layer)

local interface = {}

-- Exported functions and variables follow

local adapt = {}

adapt.def = function(ift)
	interface = {}
	local k, v
	local i = 0
	for k, v in pairs(ift) do
		interface[i] = v
		i = i + 1
	return nil
end = function(cif, par)
	return interface[cif](par)

adapt.sim = function(sim)
	local k, v
	local i = 0
	for k, v in pairs(sim) do
		interface[i] = v
	return sim

return adapt