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Geografi redigera

Storbritannien redigera

Blackwell i England.
  1. Blackwell, Bolsover, ort i Derbyshire, England, 53°07′00″N 1°20′00″V / 53.11667°N 1.33333°V / 53.11667; -1.33333 (Blackwell, Bolsover)
  2. Blackwell, Cumbria, ort nära Carlisle, England, 54°52′05″N 2°55′55″V / 54.868°N 2.932°V / 54.868; -2.932 (Blackwell, Cumbria)
  3. Blackwell, Durham, ort i Darlington, Durham, England, 54°30′46″N 1°34′15″V / 54.51281°N 1.57074°V / 54.51281; -1.57074 (Blackwell, Durham)
  4. Blackwell, Worcestershire, ort i Worcestershire, England, 52°05′18″N 1°38′54″V / 52.0883°N 1.6482°V / 52.0883; -1.6482 (Blackwell, Worcestershire)
  5. Blackwell in the Peak,ort i Derbyshire, England, 53°14′42″N 1°48′47″V / 53.245°N 1.813°V / 53.245; -1.813 (Blackwell in the Peak)

USA redigera

Blackwell i USA.
  1. Blackwell (ort i USA, Oklahoma), Kay County, 36°48′16″N 97°16′58″V / 36.80448°N 97.28282°V / 36.80448; -97.28282 (Blackwell (ort i USA, Oklahoma))
  2. Blackwell (ort i USA, Texas), Nolan County, 32°05′12″N 100°19′03″V / 32.0868°N 100.3176°V / 32.0868; -100.3176 (Blackwell (ort i USA, Texas))

Personer redigera